Membership $40
Membership $40
We invite you to become a member of The White Memorial Conservation Center!
Free admission to the Center’s Nature Museum for the individual member
Receipt of “Sanctuary,” the Center’s quarterly newsletter and calendar of events
Receipt of a White Memorial Member Sticker
A 15% discount on all items over $1.00 in the Museum Store
A 10% discount on camping at the White Memorial Family Campgrounds
Reduced fees for programs and events for which there is a charge
The opportunity to support and participate in the activities of the Center
The enjoyment of the Foundation’s 4,000 acre wildlife sanctuary
Membership $60
Membership $60
We invite you to become a member of The White Memorial Conservation Center!
Free admission to the Center’s Nature Museum for a household
Receipt of “Sanctuary,” the Center’s quarterly newsletter and calendar of events
Receipt of a White Memorial Member Sticker
A 15% discount on all items over $1.00 in the Museum Store
A 10% discount on camping at the White Memorial Family Campgrounds
Reduced fees for programs and events for which there is a charge
The opportunity to support and participate in the activities of the Center
The enjoyment of the Foundation’s 4,000 acre wildlife sanctuary
Membership $100-$1000
Membership $100-$1000
We invite you to become a member of The White Memorial Conservation Center!
Free admission to the Center’s Nature Museum
Receipt of a White Memorial Member Sticker
A 15% discount at the gift shop with executive passes
Receipt of the Center’s quarterly newsletter, which includes the Calendar of Events
Reduced fee for programs
Voting privileges at Center annual meetings
Tax deductibility of membership to the extent of the law according to the donor’s individual tax status
Enjoyment of the Foundation’s 4,000 acre wildlife sanctuary
Membership $75
Membership $75
We invite you to become a member of The White Memorial Conservation Center!
Free admission for your patrons to the Center’s Nature Museum for two adults and up to four children
Access to the Sanctuary’s 40 miles of trails traversing over 4,000 acres of diverse habitats
Several outdoor picnic tables and recreation areas near the Museum
Receipt of a White Memorial Member Sticker
Printable Forms