Guided Museum Tour
White Memorial’s Nature Museum provides a glimpse into the natural diversity found throughout the Foundation’s 4,000-acre wildlife sanctuary. All education programs booked at White Memorial include admission to the Nature Museum for a self-guided tour. However, if you would like a guided tour of the museum, in which our exhibits will be interpreted by a staff person, please sign up for this program. Your group will get to delve further into the museum experience through engaging discussions and activities led by the tour guide. Onsite only.
NGSS: (2)-LS4.D; (3)-LS2.C; (3)-LS4.D; (MS)-LS2.A,C; (MS)-LS4.D; (HS)-PS3.D; (HS)-LS2.C; (HS)-LS4.C,D; (HS)-ESS3.A,C; SEP: Using Models; Carrying Out Investigations; CC: Scale, Proportion, and Quantity; System Models; Stability & Change