Programs for Schools, Libraries, and Other Groups

Teachers, Group Leaders, and Program Coordinators,
Are you looking for an educational experience that fosters an appreciation for nature? Look no further than White Memorial Conservation Center! We offer onsite, outreach, and virtual programs. School groups, homeschool organizations, scout troops, libraries, senior centers, and all other groups with participants ranging from preschoolers to adults are encouraged to peruse our program options below (use the filter options under “Search Our Programs” to customize your search). Call 860-567-0857 or email to schedule your nature experience with us. Inquire about financial aid as needed.
Program Costs:
For a field trip to White Memorial, each 45-minute guided program/experience (for up to 30 people) costs $110. There is no additional charge for teachers or chaperones, but the total number of individuals in each group needs to remain at 30 or less. For groups larger than 30 people, we set up a rotation schedule that includes a visit into the Nature Museum and/or a nature walk/outdoor experience. Self-guided hikes are always free and Museum admission is free when you book one or more programs. As an example, if 80 students come on a field trip, we would split them into 3 groups and rotate them between a classroom program (for $110 x 3 sessions), a Nature Museum visit (FREE), and a self-guided hike (FREE), or perhaps another guided program such as a Pond Prowl (for another $110 x 3 sessions). We will coordinate a schedule that fits your needs and your budget.
For an outreach program to your facility, the base price for a 1-hour program costs $200 plus $.75 per mile round-trip from White Memorial. If your location is between 20-40 miles driving distance from White Memorial, we add an extra $20 charge; 40-60 miles away is an extra $40 charge. For locations over 60 miles, please inquire. More than 50 people in the audience is considered an assembly, so the program price is raised from $200 to $240 plus travel costs. You may book replicate presentations of a program on the same day, as long as the time between programs is minimal. Each replicate program for 50 people or less is an additional $140, while a replicate program for more than 50 people is an additional $200.
For a virtual program, the cost is $150 for the first program and $100 for any additional programs booked at the same time. For example, if you would like to set up a series of virtual programs with a different topic featured each month, the cost would be $150 for the first program + $100 x however many additional programs you book. Please be aware that not all of our programs are offered virtually. Use the filter system below, under “Search Our Programs,” to find out which programs are available virtually.
For program cancellations and refunds, please review our Cancellation/Refund Policy.
Other Educational Opportunities:
While we think you would get the most out of your visit to White Memorial if you book a guided program(s) with us, it is not required. Here are some other options to consider.
Self-guided hikes on White Memorial’s property are FREE.* With over 40 miles of trails, you’re bound to find one that works for your group. Refer to our Trails webpage to plan your route. Feel free to print out this Outdoor Scavenger Hunt to make your hike more interactive. *Organized groups should contact our Office Manager regarding the paperwork required to use our property.
Self-guided visits to the Nature Museum (independent of a booked program) are $3/person for a group of 10 or more people. While it is not required, we encourage you let us know when you’ll be visiting. Feel free to use this Scavenger Hunt inside the Museum. There is also a lovely Gift Shop in the Museum building that is open to the public.
White Memorial Conservation Center has established a tradition of providing quality environmental education programming since 1964. Thank you for considering White Memorial for your next field trip or outreach program!
Search our Programs
Studying the distribution of wildlife allows us to generate hypotheses about their biology and habits. Using toothpicks known as “sticklers” to represent real creatures, we will simulate population dynamics in two distinct scenarios. After creating data maps for each population, participants will combine their data and interpret the potential factors that are influencing these “sticklers.” A live animal will be featured at the end. This program takes 1 full hour, so unfortunately, it does not work well in a rotation schedule. In-person and onsite only.
NGSS: (5)-LS2.A; (MS)-LS2.A,C; SEP: Constructing Explanations; Analyzing & Interpreting Data; Using Models; Carrying Out Investigations; Obtaining & Evaluating Information; CC: Patterns; Scale, Proportion, & Quantity; Systems
Plants have a life cycle, just like animals do. Using the more familiar life cycle of an owl for comparison, participants will understand similarities and differences between basic animal and plant life cycles. We’ll cover all aspects of the plant life cycle, including seed germination, growth, flowering, pollination, and seed dispersal. Several interactive activities are included, as well as a visit from a live owl!
NGSS: (2)-LS2.A; (3)-LS1.B; (4)-LS1.A; (MS)-LS1.B; SEP: Using Models
Can turtles leave their shells? Do opossums hang by their tails? Can owls turn their heads ALL the way around? All of these questions have to do with the adaptations these animals possess to thrive in their habitats. Find out the answers to these questions and MORE with White Memorial Conservation Center during their “Animal Adaptations” program. Using natural props, animal mounts, and even a couple of LIVE animals, we’ll illustrate how both structural and behavioral adaptations benefit animals. Participants will then be shown “mystery props” from local animals, for which they will propose how these body parts serve as adaptations.
NGSS: (3)-LS4.B,C; (4)-LS1.A; (MS)-LS1.B; (MS)-LS4.B,C; SEP: Engaging in Argument from Evidence; Obtaining, Evaluating, & Communicating Information; CC: Structure & Function
Using animal mounts and a couple of live animals as teaching tools, we’ll define (or review) the different levels of a food chain/web and find out what special features these animals have for acquiring their food. Watch one of our animals munch on a snack at the end. Onsite or virtual only.
NGSS: (K)-LS1.A; (5)-LS2.A; SEP: Using Models; Obtaining, Evaluating, & Communicating Information; CC: Systems & System Models; Energy & Matter; Patterns
Egypt, Greece, Rome; from Thomas Jefferson to I. M. Pei; humanity’s history has been chock full of extraordinary architects and architecture. We, however, were not the first to erect monumental structures! While humans had yet to emerge from caves, many animals were going gangbusters impressing mates with their own monuments! Meet some incredible builders in this one-hour picture presentation, celebrating the glory of human and animal architecture. (A kids’ version of this program could be created if requested.)
Sneaky, sneaky! Over time, certain animals have evolved unique adaptations to trick their foes. Through the use of camouflage, warning colors, and downright cunning behaviors, these animals have found ways to survive in a competitive world. We’ll cover these various methods of trickery using native CT animals as examples. You’ll even get to meet a couple live ambassadors! NOTE: There are two different versions of this program for an outreach: the “tech” version and the “non-tech” version. If your facility has access to a screen/projector or Smartboard, we’ll present the “tech” version that includes a slide/video presentation. Otherwise, the “non-tech” version uses natural props and printed pictures. Both versions include live animals.
NGSS: (2)-LS4.D; (3)-LS3.B; (3)-LS4.C; (4)-LS1.A; (MS)-LS1.B; (MS)-LS4.B,C; (HS)-LS4.C; CC: Structure & Function
Gerri Griswold presents a lavishly illustrated talk for adults that touches on the basics of one of the most beneficial and maligned animals on our planet–the bat. How many species of bats are there? Where do they live? Why are they so important to us? What is harming them? Those questions and so much more will be addressed. This program is only offered onsite at White Memorial or virtually. There are no live bats in this program.
NGSS: (4)-LS1.A,D; (MS)-LS2.C; (MS)-ESS3.C; (HS)-LS4.C,D; CC: Structure & Function, Stability & Change
During this program about bats for kids, students, and families, let us take you from fearing this often-maligned animal to loving their uniqueness and appreciating how beneficial they are to the planet. While there are no live bats in this program, we will use a fun photo/video presentation and interactive activities to count down all the reasons why bats are simply the coolest, and why they need to be saved.
NGSS: (4)-LS1.1.4; (4)-LS1.2; (MS)-LS2.4; (MS)-LS2.5; (MS)-ESS3.3; (HS)-LS4.4; CC: Cause & Effect; Stability & Change; Structure & Function
Do birds seem “over your head” literally and figuratively? Birding can become a fun lifelong hobby once you learn some of the basics of bird identification and observation. On this stroll, we’ll practice using binoculars while scoping White Memorial’s Main Area for common birds, which will be identified by sight and sound. Please wear appropriate hiking shoes and layers. This program can easily be modified for any age level, even adults. In-person only. If you would like this program conducted on YOUR property, a scouting charge will be added to the outreach cost.
(2)-LS4.D; SEP: Carrying Out Investigations
This program discusses the interconnectedness of all life in a forest community. Participants will understand this connection firsthand as they literally construct a community of forest creatures out of sticks. In addition, they will get to meet several forest residents up close to learn how each species is so important to the community they inhabit. In-person only.
NGSS: (5)-LS2.A; (MS)-LS2.A; SEP: Developing & Using Models; CC: Systems and System Models; Cause & Effect
We’ll discuss how both plants and animals can be placed into groups based on similar characteristics. Students will take part in an activity that reinforces the grouping technique, and will also meet a couple of live animals up close. (This program is similar to “Creature Features,” but includes the classification of plants too.)
NGSS: (1)-LS1.A; (4)-LS1.A; CC: Patterns; System Models; Structure & Function
CT ELDS: Strand C Science – 36.5, 48.5, 60.7
Climate change affects people and wildlife everywhere, even here in CT. The good news is, everyone, even kids, can help combat climate change. This program begins with a kid-friendly overview of the who-what-when-where-why and how’s of global climate change using videos, discussion, and demonstrations. Next we delve into how climate change is affecting CT specifically, featuring a live appearance by a salamander. The programs ends with a fun quiz game that explores how kids can make a real difference by reducing their carbon footprint.
NGSS: (4)ESS3.A; (MS)ESS2.C & D; (MS)ESS3.C & D; SEP: Asking Questions; Using Models; Obtaining & Communicating Information; CC: Cause & Effect; Systems; Energy & Matter; Stability & Change
What makes a mammal a mammal? Or a reptile a reptile? How about an amphibian an amphibian? Scientists have grouped animals based on similar features. Using natural props, animal mounts, and LIVE animals, we will will break down the characteristics of several major animal groups. (If you’re looking for a program that also discusses the classification of plants, see “Classify THIS.”)
NGSS: (1)-LS1.A; (4)-LS1.A; CC: Patterns; System Models; Structure & Function
CT ELDS: Strand C Science – 36.5, 48.5, 60.7
Participants will get to impersonate animals, and even meet several live animals up close, in order to learn how wildlife move in unique ways to find food and water. Get ready to jump like a frog, slither like a snake, and swim like a fish.
NGSS: (1)-LS1.A
CT ELDS Strand C Science: 48.5, 48.7, 60.7, 60.9
They had names like Martha, Traveler, Stubby, Dan, Grip, and Sergeant Reckless. Many animals are attached to some of the most famous humans in history. Some animals made history on their own. Meet the creatures, hear their stories, and marvel over their accomplishments in this one-hour presentation that celebrates notable animals in history.
We are so lucky to be graced with the presence of ruby-throated hummingbirds during the spring and summer. While they are undeniably beautiful, there is even more to these birds than meets the eye! We’ll cover a range of fascinating facts about the ruby-throated hummingbird during this photo and video presentation, from their unique adaptations to their amazing migration ability. Several biological props, such as a hummingbird nest and egg, will be shown as well.
Food webs map out who eats whom in an ecosystem. Using a freshwater ecosystem as an example, we will assign each student to an organism and build an intricate food web out of yarn. Which ones are the producers, consumers, and decomposers? How about the herbivores, carnivores, and omnivores? We’ll also touch on how energy from the sun is transferred to plants and then to animals in the food web. We’ll see how disturbance impacts the interconnectedness of the food web. Lastly, students will get to meet a couple charismatic live members of the freshwater ecosystem. In-person only. This program corresponds well with the Pond Prowl program.
NGSS: (5)-PS3.D; (5)-LS2.A; (MS)-LS2.A,B,C; SEP: Developing & Using Models; CC: Cause & Effect; System & System Models; Energy & Matter; Stability & Change
What makes an insect an insect and why are they so important? Using artistry and live invertebrates, this program will teach young students what distinguishes and insect and why these cool and crawly critters are an integral part of any ecosystem. Onsite or virtual only.
NGSS: (1)-LS1.A; SEP: Engaging in Argument from Evidence; CC: Patterns
CT ELDS: Strand C Science: 48.5, 60.7
White Memorial’s Nature Museum provides a glimpse into the natural diversity found throughout the Foundation’s 4,000-acre wildlife sanctuary. All education programs booked at White Memorial include admission to the Nature Museum for a self-guided tour. However, if you would like a guided tour of the museum, in which our exhibits will be interpreted by a staff person, please sign up for this program. Your group will get to delve further into the museum experience through engaging discussions and activities led by the tour guide. Onsite only.
NGSS: (2)-LS4.D; (3)-LS2.C; (3)-LS4.D; (MS)-LS2.A,C; (MS)-LS4.D; (HS)-PS3.D; (HS)-LS2.C; (HS)-LS4.C,D; (HS)-ESS3.A,C; SEP: Using Models; Carrying Out Investigations; CC: Scale, Proportion, and Quantity; System Models; Stability & Change
During this program, we’ll break down the four essential components of a habitat – food, water, shelter, and space (air). After a fun game reinforcing these components, we’ll use live ambassadors and fun props to learn about native animals that live in CT habitats such as fields, forests, and ponds. We’ll finish by teaching you how you can help CT’s animals by providing their habitat necessities.
NGSS: (3)LS4.C,D; SEP: Using Computational Thinking; CC: Stability & Change
This program teaches children how to be heroes to creatures that often get overlooked or mistreated because of their unhuggable appearance. While meeting a live turtle and snake up close, children will learn how to safely help turtles cross the road, how to create wildlife habitat in their own backyard, and how to advocate for all of “nature’s not-so-cuddly.”
NGSS: (5)-ESS3.C
To say that Iceland might be Gerri Griswold’s second home would be an understatement. Since taking a weekend jaunt to our closest European neighbor in 2002, she has visited “The Land of Fire and Ice” 51 times. Take a one hour trip 66 degrees north and be overwhelmed by the landscape, nature, and people of this breathtaking country which boasts 100% literacy, is the home of the first Parliament established in 930 AD, and possesses the cleanest air and water on our planet.
What makes something a living thing? Why is a rock not a living thing? To help young children understand what is living and nonliving in nature, we will use natural props, animal mounts, and even a couple of LIVE animals. Of course, being that we are animals, we’ll also discuss what makes US alive!
NGSS: (K)-LS1.C; (1)-LS1.B,D; CC: Patterns
CT ELDS: Strand C Science – 36.5, 48.5, 60.7
The story of Litchfield County’s geology is action-packed with lots of chapters. This program provides an overview of why the northwestern Connecticut landscape looks the way it does today, covering topics ranging from hill formation during Pangea to more “recent” glaciation. Students will also learn what our most common rock and mineral types are in the area, and how to identify them in their own yards.
NGSS: (4)-ESS1.C; (4)-ESS2.B; (MS)-ESS2.A,B,C; CC: Patterns; Stability & Change
Human activity clearly has a major impact on the natural environment and its inhabitants. Historically, much of this impact has been negative. After discussing several causes of species endangerment, we’ll take an interactive survey to find out how to make sure our environmental footprint for the future is a positive one. A couple of live animals and several natural props will enhance the program.
NGSS: (3)-ESS2.D; (4)-ESS2.E; (4)-ESS3.A; (5)-LS2.A; (5)-ESS3.C; (MS)-LS2.A,C,D; (MS)-ESS3.A,C,D; (HS)-LS4.C,D; (HS)-ETS1.B; SEP: Defining Problems; Interpreting Data; Designing Solutions; CC: Cause & Effect; Scale, Proportion, & Quantity; Stability & Change
Have you ever seen a porcupine in CT? Would you like to know more about Connecticut’s elusive “Quill Pig?” North American Porcupines are large, solitary rodents commonly found in New England. Although they are mostly nocturnal, they can be found perched in the top of a tree during the day. Porcupines are herbivores and typically have 20,000 to 30,000 quills that cover most of their body. Gerri Griswold will address the natural history of one of Connecticut’s most fascinating species and the world’s third-largest rodent in her beautifully-illustrated talk.
NGSS: (4)-LS1.A; CC: Structure & Function
Gerri Griswold has always been in awe of extinct species. This four part series introduces you to four fascinating animals that have become extinct at the hands of humans: the Thylacine, Great Auk, Passenger Pigeon, and Dodo Bird. Programs can also be presented individually.
Rachel Carson painted a world void of the sounds of insects and birds in her ground-breaking book Silent Spring, published in 1962. Millions were stunned to discover the deadly consequences of our increasing dependence on potent pesticides. Poisons like DDT slowly accumulated in each stage of the food chain, almost destroying some birds of prey like the Peregrine Falcon and Bald Eagle. Gerri Griswold will give a talk on the history of DDT and the amazing comeback of raptor species with the discontinuation of its use.
During this unique nighttime experience, participants will learn that you don’t need light to discover the night! Using little or no artificial light, we’ll lead you down one of White Memorial’s trails, relying on our other senses to take in the wonders of nature. This program works well for groups that are staying overnight at one of our campgrounds or at The Carriage House, or even for adult groups! Weekday nights only. Onsite and in-person only. Must be scheduled at least 1 month in advance. Cost: $175. Lasts approximately 1½ hours. Maximum of 20 participants per hike. Please wear appropriate hiking shoes and layers.
NGSS: (MS)-LS1.D; SEP: Carrying Out Investigations; CC: Structure & Function
Spend an hour with Gerri Griswold as she shares breathtaking images from this ethereal travel destination tucked along the tail of the Andes near the bottom of the world. Meet the people, animals, and numerous microclimates that define this mythical place.
White Memorial, as well as many areas in CT, have three main ecosystems: forest, field, and freshwater. After an activity defining “ecosystem,” “biotic,” and “abiotic,” we’ll develop a food chain for these three ecosystems and talk about the flow of energy through them. We’ll also identify the role each inhabitant plays, whether as a producer, consumer, or decomposer. The program concludes with a couple of live animal encounters! In-person only.
NGSS: (5)-LS2.A; (MS)-LS2.B,C,D; SEP: Using Models; CC: Patterns; Energy & Matter
No matter what “green space” we’re in, whether it’s at your site, at White Memorial, or at a park near you, we can find nature! We’ll lead participants in several fun physical activities, including a seek-and-find mission to spy natural items, from cones to acorns to feathers to live critters! Participants will truly get to be immersed in their outdoor environment, wherever it is, while learning some fun facts and ID tips about the natural items all around them. We will work with you beforehand to establish what green space we’ll use and develop the perfect program. For offsite programs, an extra scouting charge may need to be applied.
NGSS: (K)-LS1.C; (K)-ESS3.A; (1)-LS1.A; (2)-LS4.D; (3)-LS4.C; (4)-LS1.A; (5)-LS2.A; (MS)-LS2.A,B,C; (HS)-LS2.A,C; (HS)-LS4.C; SEP: Carrying Out Investigations; CC: Systems; Structure & Function; Stability & Change
CT ELDS: Strand A Science – 48.1, 60.2; Strand C Science – 48.5, 48.7, 60.8, 60.9
Have you ever seen a dragonfly nymph or a water scorpion? Find out what aquatic macroinvertebrates live in a pond during a hands-on catch-and-release discovery session at Ongley Pond. Various themes, such as metamorphosis, predator-prey relationships, and adaptations, can be explored depending on the group’s needs. Don’t wear your brand new shows and plan to get your hands dirty! Onsite and in-person only.
NGSS: (K)-LS1.C; (K)-ESS3.A; (1)-LS1.A; (2)-LS4.D; (3)-LS1.B; (4)-LS1.A; (5)-LS2.A; (MS)-LS2.A,B,C; (HS)-LS2.C; SEP: Carrying Out Investigations; Analyzing & Interpreting Data (HS only); Using Mathematics & Computational Thinking (HS only); CC: Structure & Function; Stability & Change (MS & HS only)
Many people do not realize that there are endangered species even here in CT! Join White Memorial for a discussion on what local species are considered in peril, why they’re each important, and what we can do to help them. Plus, you’ll get to meet a couple of live creatures up close and personal, and play some fun interactive games!
NGSS: (3)LS4.D; (MS)-LS2.C,D; (HS)-ETS1.B; SEP: Engaging in Argument from Evidence; Obtaining, Evaluating, & Communicating Information; CC: Cause & Effect; Scale, Proportion, & Quality; Stability & Change
This program will show participants how to be accountable for their material usage and, ultimately, be better stewards of the planet. First, we’ll see how nature breaks down and reuses materials and nutrients. Using nature as our inspiration, we’ll then discuss the 4 R’s (reduce, reuse, recycle, rot – compost) that we can employ to decrease the amount of trash that ends up in our garbage cans or in the environment. Onsite and in-person only.
NGSS: (4)-ESS3.A; (5)-LS2.A; (5)-ESS3.C; (MS)-ESS2.A; (MS)-ESS3.C; (HS)-ESS3.A,C; SEP: Asking Questions; Carrying Out Investigations; Obtaining Information; CC: Energy & Matter; Cause & Effect
Celebrate a truly wonderful, but relatively unknown avian artist, Rex Brasher. Based in Kent, CT, Rex was a prolific painter who produced 875 original watercolors depicting 1200 species/subspecies of North American birds. In fact, Brasher painted (from live observation!) more than twice as many birds as his better-known predecessor, John James Audubon. Join Gerri Griswold to learn about one of the greatest untold stories in art history and Americana.
Humans depend on the Earth’s natural resources. But, with close to 8 billion people on Earth, those resources are getting used up fast! First, we’ll define/review “natural resource,” “renewable,” and “nonrenewable,” and show an array of everyday products that come from natural resources. Then we’ll see actual examples of renewable resources that are hopefully the wave of the future. Finally, we’ll brainstorm what actions we can take to preserve our global supply of natural resources. A live animal will also make an appearance! Onsite and in-person only.
NGSS: (3)LS2.C; (3)-LS4.D; (4)-ESS3.A; (5)-LS2.B; (5)-ESS3.C; (MS)-ESS3.A,C; (HS)-ESS3.A,C; SEP: Designing Solutions; CC: Stability & Change
Seeds are basically baby plants and trees wrapped in really cool packages! Through the use of lots of sample seeds and engaging activities, we will discuss how seeds develop into plants, the variety of shapes and sizes that seeds are “packaged” in, and how they are dispersed.
NGSS: (1)-LS1.A,B; (2)-LS2.A; (3)-LS1.B; (4)-LS1.A; CC: Patterns; Systems; Structure & Function
This interactive program literally puts your senses to the test. Participants will learn more about their own 5 senses as they compare them to the senses of several other animals, including a couple of live examples! In-person only.
NGSS: (1)-LS1.A,D; (4)-LS1.A,D: Carrying Out Investigations; CC: Structure & Function
CT ELDS: Strand C Science – 60.9
We tend to overlook the smaller things in nature, but organisms such as fungi, mosses, ferns, and lichens are important components of an ecosystem. During this hike, we’ll take the time to appreciate each of these small wonders, plus any forms of tiny animal life that may cross our paths. Please wear appropriate hiking shoes and layers. Onsite only.
NGSS: (4)-LS1.A; (5)-LS2.A; SEP: Carrying Out Investigations; CC: Systems, Structure & Function
Let us expose your group to the wonders of the outdoors on a guided nature discovery hike. We’ll identify and provide fun facts about several plants and animals, and explain their roles in the ecosystem. This program works well for all age levels and ranges! Hikes can either be conducted on White Memorial property or on a trail at your location (a scouting charge may be added for offsite programs).
NGSS: (K)-LS1.C; (K)-ESS3.A; (1)-LS1.A; (2)-LS4.D; (3)-LS4.C; (4)-LS1.A; (5)-LS2.A; (MS)-LS2.A,B,C; (HS)-LS2.A,C; (HS)-LS4.C; SEP: Carrying Out Investigations; CC: Systems; Structure & Function; Stability & Change
CT ELDS: Strand A Science – 48.1, 60.2; Strand C Science – 48.5, 48.7, 60.8, 60.9
When it comes to North American Beavers, it all about the ABC’s: their adaptations, their building abilities, and the need for their conservation. This outdoor program takes place along the shore of the beaver-inhabited Ongley Pond. After dressing up a lucky participant with the adaptations of a beaver, we’ll stroll past a real beaver lodge and chewed tree stumps, discussing beavers’ architectural skills and their importance as engineers in wetland ecosystems. Please wear appropriate hiking shoes and layers. Onsite and in-person only. (As an addition or alternative, we offer a 1 hour hike to provide a more in-depth exploration of the world of beavers. Additional charge.)
NGSS: (2,3)-LS4.D; (3)-LS3.B; (3,MS)-LS4.B,C; (4)-LS1.A; (MS)-LS2.A,C; SEP: Developing and Using Models; CC: Structure & Function; Stabilty & Change
Can you imagine what kind of adventures animals have to go on in their lifetimes? Using live animals and fun props, we’ll highlight some harrowing journeys of our local animals, such as turtles crossing dangerous roads and young birds taking their first flights. This program includes a short “storytime” for our younger audiences.
NGSS: (K)-ESS3.C; (2)-LS4.D; (3)-LS2.C, LS4.C,D; CC: Structure & Function; Stabilty & Change
Monarch butterflies are known for their beauty, but they also perform amazing feats like complete metamorphosis and cross-country migration! Learn about one of the most awe-inspiring insects on the planet during this photo and video presentation. The monarch has also become a species in peril, so we will discuss ways to contribute to their conservation.
In sixth grade, Gerri Griswold read Norwegian explorer Thor Hyerdahl’s Kon Tiki. It never left her system. Griswold finally answered the calling in October 2017 by celebrating her 60th birthday on the world’s most remotely populated island with her good friend and travel-obsessed colleague, Liz Frazier-Zygmont. Spend some time reliving their remarkable journey. You’ll not only see some pretty amazing photographs, but also learn that Easter Island (a.k.a. Isla de Pascua, Rapa Nui) is much more than the Moai statues that define it for so many.
Plants are simply amazing organisms, not to mention necessary for our survival! After a discussion on the importance of plants, as well as an activity covering photosynthesis, we will go on a short walk around the Museum looking for notable examples of local plants. In-person and onsite only.
NGSS: (4,5, MS, HS)-LS1.C; (MS)-PS3.D; SEP: Using Models; Engaging in Argument from Evidence; CC: Energy & Matter; Structure & Function
The Litchfield Hills are alive with the sound of music…birds singing, toads trilling, coyotes howling! Join us for a program about the “music” of animals. Identifying animals by sound is a great way to get to know the creatures that call CT home. Audiences will learn just “who-who-whoooo” is making those common noises we hear in nature. A live barred owl will make an appearance too!
NGSS: (2)-LS4.D; (4)-LS1.A & D; CC: Patterns, Structure & Function
You don’t need to travel any further than your local natural area or even your backyard to find some amazing biodiversity. Did you know we have over 20,000 animal species in CT? Join us as White Memorial guides you through the menageries of animals we have right here in our state, from marvelous mammals to resplendent reptiles to beautiful birds. The highlight is getting to meet a few live CT creatures up close!
NGSS: (1)-LS1.A; (2)-LS4.D; (4)-LS1.A; SEP: Constructing Explanations; CC: Structure & Function
CT ELDS: Strand C Science – 48.5, 60.7
Globe-trotting Gerri Griswold revisits some of her most beloved photographs from journeys through Europe, Russia, and South America. Join her on a houseboat in Paris and a windmill in the Netherlands. Ride on a sure-footed Icelandic horse across a frozen lake in the north of Iceland. Wander the cobblestone streets of Normandy’s Mont Saint Michel and the avenues of Neolithic Carnac in Brittany. From the top of a dormant volcano on Easter Island to the base of the Andes in remarkable Chilean Patagonia to streets lined with silver shops in Taxco to the beautiful, horrible, terrible, wonderful monster, Mexico City. Stunning visuals and stories abound!
Take a leisurely hike through the woods and get to know our local trees better, including how they function and why they are important to us, and to other animals. We’ll do some interactive activities to reinforce these concepts. For the appropriate ages, we’ll also teach you some simple identification tricks for trees such as sugar maple, white pine, red oak, yellow birch, and more. Please wear appropriate hiking shoes and layers. In-person and onsite only.
NGSS: (K)-LS1.C; (1)-LS1.A; (2)-LS2.A; (2)-LS4.D; (3)-LS1.B; (4)-LS1.A; (5)-LS1.C; (MS)-LS1.B; (MS)-LS2.C; SEP: Carrying Out Investigations; CC: Scale, Proportion, & Quality; Structure & Function
CT ELDS: Strand A Science – 60.3; Strand C Science – 48.5, 60.7
Did you know that some animal babies look just like their parents while others look like completely different organisms all together? Animals are born and grow in different ways. During this program, we will compare and contrast the growth of several local animal species, including those that go through the magic of metamorphosis. A couple of live examples and several fun videos will be included. Onsite or virtual only.
NGSS: (1)-LS1.B; (1)-LS3.A,B; (3)-LS1.B; CC: Patterns
CT ELDS: Strand C Science – 48.6, 60.8
Freshwater wetland ecosystems dot the landscape at White Memorial and throughout CT. They host a unique array of wildlife species. We’ll cover the characteristics of several types of wetlands and highlight which animals and plants you may be lucky to see there. This program is primarily a slide show, but two live animals are featured!
NGSS: (HS)-LS2.C; (HS)-LS4.C and D
Gerri Griswold pays tribute to Connecticut’s greatest land conservationists, Alain and May White. This brother and sister pair left their fingerprints all over Litchfield County, beginning with our 4,000 acre sanctuary, but also in the gifts they bestowed upon the state of CT: Kent Falls, People’s State Forest, Macedonia State Park, Dean Ravine and more! Sit back and enjoy breathtaking images from a variety of contributors depicting the extraordinary people, places, and things that make White Memorial a living masterpiece throughout the seasons!
Reptiles and amphibians are defined by certain characteristics that set them apart from each other. Through up-close encounters with several live animals, we will teach participants about the characteristics, habitats, life cycles, and adaptations of various species of reptiles and amphibians throughout CT. Then, we’ll discuss what these two groups of “herps” have in common.
NGSS: (3)-LS1.B; (4)-LS1.A; (MS)-LS1.B; CC: Patterns; Structure & Function
Rat-a-tat-tat…who is that? Using slides, videos, taxidermy mounts, and audio calls, we will cover the features, behaviors, and fun facts of all the woodpecker species that call CT home.
Animals have some amazing attributes and accomplish phenomenal feats! After reading a short book on some amazing animal feats, we’ll use an interactive system to award medals to certain species that set records in the state of CT. Who is the fastest? Strongest? Longest? Several biological props will be presented. Plus, a live snake and salamander will be on hand to accept their honors! In-person only. Best for groups with 12 or fewer children.
NGSS: (3)-LS4.C; (4)-LS1.A; (MS)-LS4.B; CC: Structure & Function
Humans may wear layers and drink more hot chocolate in winter, but what strategies do wild animals use to get through the cold months? Join White Memorial Conservation Center as we feature live animals, touchable props, and interactive games to discuss how some animals in CT remain active in winter, while others hibernate, migrate, or go into torpor. For younger audiences, this program includes a beautifully-illustrated non-fiction story.
NGSS: (1)-LS1.A; (4)-LS1.A,D; CC: Patterns; Structure & Function
CT ELDS: Strand C Science – 48.7, 60.9
If you’re looking for a pick-me-up to combat the stubbornness of New England’s winters, this may be the perfect solution! Join White Memorial Conservation Center as we feature LIVE animals and fun, touchable props to discuss why spring is a much-anticipated season for wildlife too. Learn what animals you can expect to see and hear as temperatures warm up and days get longer. “Wildlife Welcomes Spring” can be presented anytime in March or April.
NGSS: (3)-LS4.D; (4)-LS1.A,D; (MS)-LS1.B, LS2.A; CC: Patterns, Cause and Effect
CT ELDS: Strand C Science – 48.1, 60.2, 48.7, 60.9
As we hike around nearby Ongley Pond, we’ll focus our attention on aspects of nature you might not see in warmer months, such as birds bouncing around in bare branches and bright natural colors that pop against a snowy, white background. We’ll also discuss how animals that remain active in winter cope with harsher conditions. Please wear appropriate clothing and footwear! While the trail may be slightly packed down by past hikers, it is not plowed. This program is good for small groups or large groups that need rotation options. Onsite only.
NGSS: (K)-LS1.C; (1)-LS1.A; (2)-LS4.D; (3)-LS4.C; (4)-LS1.A; (5)-LS2.A; (MS)-LS2.A,B,C; SEP: Carrying Out Investigations; CC: Systems, Structure & Function; Stability & Change