Through a joint commitment to bat conservation in Connecticut and beyond, CT DEEP Wildlife Division and The White Memorial Foundation and Conservation Center have partnered to provide a new and exciting opportunity for all. Bats Count! begins with launching a live stream of big brown bats at White Memorial’s Green Barn.
Participants can observe bats throughout the day and as they enter and exit the barn each evening. Currently, we are conducting emergence counts each evening. Participating is easy and fun. If you are interested in participating in this long-term monitoring program you can review the user manual and enter your data into the datasheet.
Bats Count! Bat Cam User Guide
The “Bat Cam” project is being partially funded through the Endangered Species, Natural Area Preserves, and Watchable Wildlife Fund (listed as “Endangered Species/Wildlife” on your tax form) to provide a watchable wildlife opportunity. Find out how you can donate and learn more about projects supported by this Fund.